Materiale Didattico "Public Domain"
Norbury John - Elementary Mechanics and Thermodynamics.pdf (1,1 MB)
Classical Electrodynamics for Undergraduates - H. Norbury.pdf (690,6 kB)
Quantum Mechanics for Undergraduates - J. Norbury.pdf (1,2 MB)
E. Fabri - Come Introdurre la Fisica Quantistica Nella Scuola Secondaria Superiore - DIspensa.pdf (1 MB)
Ferraro R. - From aether theory to Special Relativity.pdf (594,4 kB)
Norbury, John W. - General Relativity and Cosmology for Undergraduates.pdf (675,4 kB)
La Relatività Per Le Scuole Superiori.pdf (631,3 kB)
Norbury, John W. - Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Physics for High School students.pdf (54,1 kB)
Norbury, John W. - From Newton'S Laws To The Wheeler-Dewitt Equation.pdf (103,6 kB)
Cosmology Today - A brief review. J.L. Cervantes-Cota and G. Smoot.pdf (419,7 kB)
2_Analisi_vettoriale.pdf (1,6 MB)